Author Topic: Politics, Religion, etc. (4.15.14 - 9.10.15)  (Read 58993 times)


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Re: Politics, Religion, etc. (4.15.14 - 9.10.15)
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2014, 12:22:31 pm »
Jes...the biggest problem with ObamaCare (and there are massive amounts of problems) is the cost....we can't afford it, we NEVER could afford is increasing our deficeit significantly.

Obama PROMISED ObamaCare would not cost 1 penny more than $900 billion. HE LIED. It's already estimated at $2.6 trillion AND RISING. Money we do not have.

Are we supposed to keep borrowing until we go broke? and we will one day.

People should pay what they can for insurance. What happened to working hard and getting a head? 97% of country wants a hand out. I am sorry if healthcare is not affordable - but it's not somehtng our gvernment can offer - we can't afford it. + WHY should we be paying for people who make bad choices - smoking, eating, daredevils, drinkers, drug addicts - those folks should be on their own,

"if you like your coverage, you can keep your coverage"- LIE