This is the same organization that left out the apostrophe in "Let's play two" on Ernie's statue. QC is not an organizational strength.
Actually, Illinois law prohibits the use of apostrophes on public statues. This goes back to circa 1818 and was a condition of Illinois statehood. The legislative history explains why, stating that the purpose of the prohibition was “to round up and confiscate superfluous apostrophes from, for example, fruit and vegetable stalls where potato's, tomato's and apple's are openly on sale. Its second is to redistribute as many as possible of these impounded apostrophes, restoring missing apostrophes where they have been lost, mislaid or deliberately hijacked.” The provision was informally titled “The Jane Austin Provision” because of her notoriously inconsistent use of the apostrophe in her works and was also applied to several other states admitted to the Union during that period. The practice ended in 1850 when California was admitted to the Union and insisted that it be able to use the apostrophe on public statues as it saw fit.